I think you are in the right track and getting in the groove of things. Now, you will start reviewing some grammar, vocabulary and things that you should know at this level. No worries, you are still warming up your motors before you really take off! You still have time to refresh and work on things you did last year. So, keep up the good work!
๐Here are the steps and tasks:๐
1.Self Directed learning: Watch the videos and listen for the information presented, read the material in the USEFUL LINKS SECTION, do the tasks, have questions ready if you did not understand or encounter problems.
๐ Watch the following videos. The first video is a quiz. Try answering all 16 questions. In the second video you have to find the mistakes in the sentences. Do not worry if you do not answer them correctly. Remember, you are practicing and refreshing what you have learned last year, so no worries!The important thing is for you to try and try doing your best!
How did you do? Write down in the comments if it was hard, easy, if you remembered most of the stuff, or none at all! If you have any questions, make sure you write them down so we can discuss them at the meet.
๐ Open the document "Flash card Flyers", you can download the vocabulary, print it and cut it, so it can help you practice, or you can simply review it from your computer. Either way, be prepare to use the vocabulary in a trivia game!
๐ Last, work on the "Enrichment Activities" which will help you practice and remember some of the verbs in Past Tense.
2.Co-learning: Workshops with teacher, time to review the work sent, reinforce and motivate your learning.
๐ Have your vocabulary ready to play some trivia!
๐ We will discuss and share thoughts about the results of your work at home. Questions will be answered will talk about things that have happened in the past.
3.Socializing/Learning outcome: Present your tasks completed sharing it thorough different means: Youtube, Power Points, Googledocs, pictures, stories, etc. We will discuss and co evaluate the work presented.
๐ณ You will share your thoughts in the "comments" below about the things you need to know and work on. This counts as class participation and feedback.
๐ณ The Enrichment activity completed will be shared as a googledoc and uploaded into your google drive. Remember to share the link with me!
Here is a video on How to make a copy of a googledoc and share it with me!
You have completed your first three weeks of 8th grade!
I added a new video to help you edit PDF files so you will be able to work right on them and another video to help you upload your homework into a google drive and share it.
How to download and edit a PDF file
I am happy to know you will be practicing your LISTENING SKILLS!
How to upload your homework into a google drive and share it!